Friday, January 27, 2006


No real amazing quote today- just a funny little line I read in the newspaper a few days ago about plants-

"These days, I have a new attitude toward my plants: Perform or perish. Life offers enough irritations without playing nursemaid to a petulant shrub."

Tisa Watts SF Chronicle 1/25/2006

Just weird stuff today- a little foray into my mind.
I get through the day by having little strange obssessions- so today I'm listening to animal recordings off this site- I'm sure any co-worker who might wander by, might be curious to hear frogs coming from my computer- I especially like the Lynx sample:

Gamboge is a rather transparent dark mustard yellow pigment. Throughout history gamboge has been known by many names. The most common in the western world are "rattan yellow" and "wisteria yellow". These are literal translations of the pigment's japanese and Chinese names. The English word "gamboge" appears to be derived form the same origin as Cambodia, which was earlier Camboja. Other names like Gummi Gutta, Gummi Gambogia, Gamma Gitta, and Gom Guttae are derived form the method by which the pigment is extracted from trees.

Gamboge: RBG (255,155,15) and my sample--
