Who dares step into a tepidarium with a pixilated mind?
Exquisite Corpse: Surrealism and the Black Dahlia Murder
I bought the book and I read it. It entertained me, but never crossed the line into sensationalist titillation. As a former art history student, I appreciated the analysis of images: from the murdered body to the various art depictions. I only have one criticism: the book should have been written in a style that would be more befitting to the subject. Although it was written very clearly and logically, the style lacked engagement. It's hard to really be more exact. Anyway, I won't say much more because so much has already been said-
Other blogs' reviews and the blog of the book itself if you are interested:
One last note- for my book-buying mania which seemed to have afflicted me at the 4th Street Cody's in Berkeley last Monday- not only did I buy the above mentioned book, but also Rainer Maria Rilke and Lou Andreas-Salome: The Correspondence, to fulfill my "real" intellectual side. I shall start it when the weather becames cold and lugubrious; it will something for me to come home to.